Sunday, February 26, 2012

Dark Chocolate Guinness Cake with Bailey's Buttercream

Oh my goodness... the next time you have an excuse to make a cake, make this one!!

My husband's birthday was the other week, so of course I wanted to make a birthday cake! I had come across this recipe many months ago and thought it looked incredible, but hadn't had an excuse to make it. My husband has always loved Guinness, so I decided that his birthday would be the perfect opportunity to make it!

This cake was so amazing! The cake was rich and moist and the frosting was so incredible! The wonderful Bailey's flavor was really showcased in this frosting and paired deliciously magnificent with the cake. The recipe says to keep the cake in the fridge at all times, but doing so made the cake lose a lot of its moisture (at least that is what happened to me). However, I learned that if you put your piece of cake in the microwave for 15 seconds after it has been in the fridge for a day or so then it is quite tasty!

I originally found this recipe on Pinterest, and then fell in love with the blog that it came from! I'm not going to actually type out the recipe here because I want you to read through the recipe on the original blog it came from because it is a really neat post! Make sure to check it out! And definitely make sure to make this cake at some point!


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