Sunday, February 5, 2012

Omelette Flipping Skills

My husband and I went to visit one of his brothers (who I always call my homeboy) this weekend and had some good times with him and some other very cool people. We always have a good time when we get to hang out with our homeboy! This weekend was no exception!

We had a big group at his house this weekend, and so he and I went grocery shopping on Saturday to get stuff for breakfast on Sunday morning. We decided to make omelettes, so we decided to get tomatoes, green pepper, mushrooms, onion, spinach and cheese for the omelettes. In college, I majored in Hospitality Management, so one of the classes I had to take in my very first semester was a cooking class. I'll never forget the omelette test we had to take. We had to flip an omelette, as I do in the video below, for a test. If I remember correctly, I passed, but I ruined a lot of eggs during the learning process. I learned that you just gotta do it! You can't hold back when flipping an omelette. Just do it! It's pretty fun when it actually works out :-) Anyways, here is a video for your amusement. (And I thought the omelettes turned out pretty tasty too!) 


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