Thursday, February 9, 2012

Grilled Chicken with Spinach and Melted Mozzarella

I got a new phone yesterday and the camera on my new phone takes better pictures (see above) than my regular camera did! Geez! Haha

This was kind of a last minute recipe idea. I normally plan out recipes for the entire week, but I didn't have anything planned for tonight. However, I REALLY didn't want to fight the 5pm mid-week grocery store crowd. I was trying to think of what I could fix based on what I had around the house, but I don't keep much extra food in the house besides what I know I'm going to use in my recipes each week. I knew I had some chicken in the freezer, and could have just fixed some plain chicken, but I really wanted to have a blog post for tonight since I haven't posted as much as I normally do this week.

I had come across this recipe and thought it looked really good, but I didn't think I had any spinach. Long story short, I was discussing my dilemma with my friend when she asked what vegetables I had. I knew I didn't have any fresh vegetables, but decided to double check the freezer to see if I had any frozen veggies. Lo and behold, there was some frozen spinach hidden in my freezer! Hooray! Fortunately, that was the only ingredient I was missing for this recipe (I had half a jar of roasted red peppers leftover from a previous recipe and some sliced mozzarella from sandwiches.)

This recipe was quite tasty! It was a great last minute dinner to throw together. It was very light, but satisfying. The roasted red peppers really added a lot of flavor to the dish! We kept it a low-carb meal and just had a garden salad on the side. Make sure to give this one a try!

Grilled Chicken with Spinach and Melted Mozzarella

Yield: 6 servings

24 oz (3 large) chicken breasts sliced in half lengthwise to make 6 cutlets
salt and pepper to taste
1 tsp olive oil
3 cloves garlic, crushed
10 oz frozen spinach, drained
3 oz shredded park skim mozzarella
1 roasted red pepper, sliced in strips
olive oil spray

1. Preheat oven to 400°. Season chicken with salt and pepper. Lightly spray a grill with oil (I used my George Forman) or grill outside on a gas grill. Cook chicken on the grill until no longer pink, careful not to overcook or you'll have dry chicken.
2. Meanwhile, heat a saute pan on medium heat. Add oil and garlic, saute a few seconds, add spinach, salt and pepper. Cook a few minutes until heated through.
3. When chicken is done, lay on a baking sheet lined with foil or parchment for easy clean-up. Divide spinach evenly between the 6 pieces and place on top. Top each with half oz mozzarella, then slices of roasted pepper and bake until melted, about 6-8 minutes.


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