Sunday, March 4, 2012

To Die For Blueberry Muffins

I really don't like having leftovers for dinner. I'm not sure what it is about leftovers, but I just don't like them. Never have. When I cook, I try to reduce the recipes to make just two servings so that we don't have any leftovers, but somehow I managed to have a lot of leftovers after last week. I put it off long enough, and finally decided that we needed to eat them tonight so that we don't waste any food...

However, I still was antsy to get in the kitchen and do some cooking, so I got on Pinterest and started looking through the food boards for something fun to make since I wasn't cooking dinner tonight. I'm not sure how I came across the idea of making blueberry muffins, but as soon as I got blueberry muffins in my head, I couldn't get them out. I LOVE blueberry muffins. I have never made them from scratch before, so I decided it was time!

My husband and I are big fans of Seinfeld, and any time I have a muffin, I think about the episode where they're talking about how the best part of the muffin is the top and Elaine has an idea for a business that only sells the tops of muffins... she and her boss have conflicting views on the name of the shop:

Anyways, these muffins (the whole thing, not just the top) were amazing! Holy cow! The mixture was perfect and the blueberries were so delicious! I decided to do half of the muffins plain and half with the crumb topping. Both versions were incredible! (Of course I had to taste one of each muffin so that I could fairly compare the two! :-))

I'm starting to drool just looking at these pictures... Our apartment smelled sooooo good as they were baking!  It was torture to wait the 20 minutes as they baked in the oven! They were absolutely amazing when they first came out of the oven, all warm and gooey... They are also quite delicious after they have cooled off as well! I could probably sit down and eat the whole dozen. Must... restrain... myself...

You probably already have most of the ingredients in your kitchen. I did learn, though, that baking soda and baking powder are two different things! And while they have a similar purpose, you cannot substitute baking powder with baking soda. I didn't realize that until today, but you can find baking powder in the grocery store conveniently located right next to the baking soda. This is an interesting link that describes the difference between the two:

By now, if you haven't already made plans to make these muffins, then you need to right now!

To Die For Blueberry Muffins

Prep time: 10 minutes  Bake time: 20-25 minutes  Yield: 12 muffins

1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 cup white sugar
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1 egg
1/3 cup milk
1 1/2 cups fresh (or frozen) blueberries
Crumb Topping
1/4 cup sugar
3 tablespoons flour
2 tablespoons butter, softened
3/4 teaspoon cinnamon

Preheat oven to 400°F. Grease muffin cups or line with muffin liners. Combine flour, sugar, salt, and baking powder. Place vegetable oil into a 1cup measuring cup; add egg and enough milk to fill the cup. mix this with flour mixture. Fold in blueberries. Fill muffin cups to top; sprinkle with crumb topping mixture. Bake 20-25 minutes or until done.


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