Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Chicken & Shrimp Delight

I mentioned in last night's post that we had been out of town for three days, which got me behind in my usual weekly recipe planning. So, I didn't have a recipe to follow tonight. I decided to just go in the kitchen and work with what I had and make my own creation! That was fun!

The ingredients I used were:
Garlic-Infused Canola Oil
small frozen chicken breasts
frozen shrimp
frozen spinach
cherry tomatoes
brown rice
salt & pepper

The first thing I did was start the rice, because that takes about 25 minutes to cook. Next, I defrosted the chicken using the defrost setting on the microwave, and defrosted the shrimp simply by placing them under cold running water for a few minutes. Once they were both done, I cut the chicken up into little medallions and peeled the shrimp, sprinkling salt and pepper over both. Try to get all of the chicken medallions as close to the same size as possible so that they all cook evenly.

Next, I heated up a tablespoon of the Garlic-Infused Canola Oil in a skillet over medium heat. I added the chicken and cooked, turning occasionally, until cooked through and the pieces were no longer pink in the center. While the chicken was cooking, I cut some cherry tomatoes in half and followed the directions on the frozen spinach package to fix that.

Once the chicken was finished, I removed that from the skillet and added the shrimp to the same skillet, cooking them until pink and cooked through. After the shrimp finished cooking, I added the chicken medallions, cherry tomatoes and spinach to the skillet with the shrimp and mixed every together. About this time, the rice was ready, so I spooned the rice onto the plates and topped it with the chicken, shrimp, tomato and spinach mixture.

This was pretty dang tasty, if I do say so myself! Considering the fact that I wasn't following any kind of recipe and just put this together on my own, I was really happy with how it turned out! My husband said that it looked like something he would order in a restaurant :-) The natural flavors of each ingredient really came through and I thought paired well together. The garlic-infused canola oil also added a nice flavor to everything. You could definitely take this in different directions - experiment with different spices or sauces or whatever you want. Enjoy!


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